Friday, November 22, 2013

The Original 1985-86 Nature Trail Guide

In 1985-86, with the help of one of the first grants
of the Moore County Public Education Foundation,
a remarkable class of 3rd graders created the
Sandhills Farm Life Nature Trail.  The trail was
designed to accommodate change, and the guide
even mentions that fact.  Now, in 2013, the trail
has indeed undergone many changes.  It remains
and will continue to be a valuable and unique 
resource for our school and community.  Take a 
few moments to "stroll" the trail here.  Now, hundreds
of photos have been posted both on this blog and
on the companion Facebook page:

The above workers deserve high praise for the research as well as
physical labor they put forth in bringing the nature trail project to
fruition.  On the day of the trail's dedication, they presented an
ecology play starring Woodsy Owl in the school's old auditorium.
Then they took classes and guests, including my parents from
Atlanta and members of the Public Education Foundation, on
trail tours.  Today the trail is still there for them and their children.

The original trail was a patchwork, with bits of it on the land of
several neighboring property owners.  Through the years they graciously
granted the school the privilege to use their land for outdoor education.
Today, to ensure the future of the trail, it is been reconfigured.  Now
there is one long loop trail, completely contained on school property.
Students may miss the old "Graveyard of the Pines," but those trees
were cut for timber years ago.  Likewise, we no longer visit the Pond
Ecosystem, which we preferred to call the Black Lagoon.  But now
that would not be practical, since a residence is adjacent to the pond.
Times have changed, but in many ways the trail is better than ever.
It has been widened to six feet, erosion problems have been corrected,
new signage is now in place, and a thick layer of wood chips makes
the walk user friendly for young and old.

All but a handful of the same plant
specimens can still be found on the
current trail.  As yet, I have not located
any Christmas Fern, Wild Ginger, or
Rattlesnake Plantain.  However, that does
not mean they won't be found.  Every time
I visit the trail, I still discover something I
had never seen before-- or something that
had changed.  Visit your trail soon, at any
season, and you will discover the same thing
is true for you.

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